Great people, know great people.

"It’s not what you know, it’s who you know". Or so the saying goes - but that's certainly true in our business! If we're assisting you in your job search, chances are that's built on 23 years of us knowing the right people in the right places.

We're rightly proud of our extensive network - but we know we can't do it without great candidates referring us to other great candidates.

So if you know anyone working in the real estate or construction industry, either in the professional sector or its supporting services such as finance, accounting, marketing, secretarial or IT systems who would benefit from our help in their job search – why not pass on our details?

And to say thank you, we'll send you vouchers of your choice of at least £250, rising to £500 for more senior placements.


​Ready to refer someone?

Simply remind them to tell us your name when they register with us.

They can register here or email us at

Remember, you can make unlimited referrals - we just ask that we haven't already spoken to them in the last 12 months.